About the Art
My art arises from a deep sense of mystery and awe that is centered in silence and a felt presence of the Infinite Possible. I am inspired by nature, physics, and most of all, the one power and one presence which intimately connects us to one another and all that is.
Contemplative Practices and the Enneagram figure importantly in my journey. Enneagram typology helps me to be more aware of my typical egoic patterns so that through centering prayer meditation they can be brought into alignment with that which serves my highest good. Ultimately the symbol represents a well-worn gate that is closed behind me when I step toward The Infinite, surrendering all.
Contemplative Practices and the Enneagram figure importantly in my journey. Enneagram typology helps me to be more aware of my typical egoic patterns so that through centering prayer meditation they can be brought into alignment with that which serves my highest good. Ultimately the symbol represents a well-worn gate that is closed behind me when I step toward The Infinite, surrendering all.